Pandas-cleaner’s documentation#

Pandas-cleaner is a Python library, built on top of pandas, to detect, analyze and clean errors in datasets with numerical and/or categorical features.


Pandas-cleaner offers functionnalities to automatically :

  1. detect different kind of potential errors in datasets such as outliers, inconsistencies, typos, wrong-typed …, given predefined rules or statistiscal estimations, via an easy-to-use API extending pandas,

  2. analyze these errors, via reports and plots, to check the validity of the set and/or decide if any correction is needed,

  3. clean the datasets, either by dropping the lines with errors, emptying, correcting or replacing bad values,

  4. reapply the same rules to any other incoming fresh data.


Import the package

import pandas as pd
import pdcleaner

Create an example data series

series = pd.Series([1, 5, -6, 100, 10])

Detect the errors in the series with a given method (such as bounded, iqr, zscore and many more depending the type of data…)

detector = series.cleaner.detect('bounded', lower=0, upper=10)

Inspect the result:
                                 Detection report
Method:                      bounded      Nb samples:                        5
Date:                January 24,2022      Nb errors:                         2
Time:                       16:06:08      Nb rows with NaN:                  0
lower                              0      upper                             10
inclusive                       both      sided                           both

Check the potential errors that have been detected

2     -6
3    100
dtype: int64

Clean the detected errors from the series using the chosen method among drop, to_na, clip , replace

series.cleaner.clean("drop", detector, inplace=True)
0      1
1      5
4     10
dtype: int64